Academic Projects

Showcase Of Life – Classic Car Gallery

Showcase Of Life - Classic Car Gallery Kuala Lumpur, local space fell behind economic space development cause a [...]

Centre For Flood Relief & Mitigation (CFRM)

Centre For Flood Relief & Mitigation (CFRM) Malaysia has been experiencing increase number of environmental disaster in recent times. Kota Tinggi, one of the [...]

Eco Culinary Centre

Eco Culinary Centre Johor international culinary training center proposed at Kota Iskandar, Johor Malaysia. The project aims to explore the environmental study that respond [...]

Destination Spa

Destination Spa A destination spa is a resort centered on a spa, such as a mineral spa. Historically, destination spas were developed at the location of natural hot springs [...]

Walkthrough Space

Walkthrough Space The design is about “space modulation” and “planimetric expression” that leads to the creation of an architectural spatial experience. The walkthrough space included semi-enclose, [...]

Studio Pavilion

Studio Pavilion Studio Pavilion is the 1st building project throughout 1st year project. This project aims to let student practical on site study and planning. The site located at Balai Cerapan, [...]


Random Random is a compilation of sketches when I was in 1st year degree of architecture. The sketches aim [...]

Site Sculpture

Site Sculpture The initial idea is to use equilateral triangles to design the site sculpture. Due to the difficulty to arrange the small triangles, stability of the structure and time constraint, the idea [...]

Wagner House By Frank O.Gehry

Wagner House By Frank O.Gehry Wagner House in Malibu, California was given by our workbase master as the case study for the project. The Wagner House built for a single family residence. The architect of [...]

Penang Hokkien Community Centre

Penang Hokkien Community Centre Penang Hokkien community centre is a proposed project that locates at Penang Komtar area. The objective of the project is to preserve historical building and promote Penang Chinese culture [...]

Space Unfolding

Space Unfolding Space unfolding is an abstracted space imagine from painting. We choose Zaha Hadid One-North masterpiece as the project base map. The Base map is cut into 8 pieces; each of the group members [...]


Folly The initial idea was to use exposed structure and controlled chaos to create a sense of deconstructs. Due to the unstable structure, the idea was replaced by using [...]

Kelantan Peranakan Cina Heritage House

Kelantan Peranakan Cina Heritage House A team that consists of 5 members was travel to Pasir Mas, Kelantan for 2 weeks to do the measure drawings. Our house named as “Rumah Koh Boon [...]


RABIB House Rapid building in box (RABIB) System is a project on INATEX 2014. We collaborated with Civil Engineering Phd students to complete the project. Mrs. Chuah Guat Xian and I were responsible [...]