About Me


I’m Jamie Kang. Welcome to my wonderland – Jamie Kang Architecture Design Studio. I’m graduated architecture student who passion in art and design. I appreciate beautiful things that bring back the nature and humanity. Throughout 3 years study in architecture, I develop my own architectural design philosophy which is mostly influenced by a Japanese architect, Tadao Ando. I admire Tadao Ando’s mono systemic architectural philosophy where the building is built with pure material (concrete) to produce strong geometric form and at the same time utilizing light, shadow and space to give the harmonious aesthetic effect between the building and the surrounding.

Besides architecture, I’m an outgoing person. I like to meet people and explore the world. These hobbies give me an opportunity to increase knowledge and widen my perspective. There is no sincerer love than the love of food. I love food so much, especially street food. Street food represents the culture and behavior of the people. Street food excited my tongue, and at the same time I able to experience the local culture.

Education Background

Scholarships & Awards